ENG 111-Parker--Assignment 3

Research Resources for Professor Parker's Third Assignment
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Citation Resources-


Activity: Balancing Sources and Synthesis

Here’s a technique to quickly assess whether there is enough of your original thought in your essay or paper, as opposed to information from your sources: Highlight what you have included as quotes, paraphrases, and summaries from your sources. Next, highlight in another color what you have written yourself. Then take a look at the pages and decide whether there is enough you in them.

For the mocked-up pages below, assume that the yellow-highlighted lines were written by the writer and the pink-highlighted lines are quotes, paraphrases, and summaries she pulled from her sources. Which page most demonstrates the writer’s own ideas? See the answer below.

Three sample showing 1) mostly quotes with little original thought, 2) mostly original thought supported by quotes, and 3) equal split between quotes and original thought.
Mocked-up passages showing the division between quotes, paraphrases, summaries,  and original ideas

Source: Joy McGregor. “A Visual Approach: Teaching Synthesis,” School Library Monthly, Volume XXVII, Number 8/May-June 2011.

Citing Sources in MLA Style

The following video explains how to cite sources using the MLA 9th edition handbook.


Works Cited Page MLA 9th Edition: Creating References in MLA video tutorial 

If this link won't open-- copy and paste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvZ043ByHso  into your browser

Additional resources from Smart Student (https://www.youtube.com/@smartstudent_official)--
