Gould gives readers the lay of the land and demystifies the college experience. He offers practical tips and specific study strategies that will equip students to excel in their new environment. Gould also gives advice on how to effectively balance classes, extracurricular activities, and work.
How to Succeed in College and Beyond is an insightful, inspired guide to the undergraduate experience that helps students balance the joy of learning with the necessity of career preparation. It covers the entire undergraduate experience, from high school preparation, applications, and financial aid for each undergraduate year. This guide is a indispensable resource for prospective and present undergraduates, as well as parents and educators.
The Secrets of College Success combines easy-to-use tips, techniques, and strategies with insider information that few professors are willing to reveal. Some of the over 800 tips in this book will advise readers on everything from course and major selection to time management and study skills. This new edition also features special tips for international students at US colleges.
Admission Matters offers comprehensive, expert, and practical advice for parents and students to guide them through the college admissions process. It also includes much needed guidance for students with special circumstances, including students with disabilities, international students, and transfer students. Whether you think you've got applying to college under control or don't even know where to begin, this book is your expert guide throughout the college admissions process.
For many high schoolers, the logical answer after high school is to continue their education, whether in a training program, a community college, or a four-year university. But no matter what the path, the preparation can be overwhelming, and it's hard to know where to start. This comprehensive handbook outlines the different options available to teens after high school and provides suggestions on how to follow each path efficiently and successfully.
Who Do You Think You Are? helps parents, school counselors, and administrators get teens thinking about--and interested in--their future careers. This book shows you how to guide teens along on this journey, and how to stick with them until they reach the goals they've set. From helping them discover just what it is they're interested in, to finding the institution that will help them flourish and setting out a clear "plan of attack," this book provides invaluable insight from an expert in student success.
Cool Careers for Dummies helps you discover what you really want out of life, what your passions are, and how well you perform in different environments, and then shows you how to use this information to find a career that suits you. This easy-to-use book helps you explore your job options and make clear-minded decisions. It also provides a self-assessment section to help you identify your interests. After answering a few questions about yourself, you’ll apply your answers to the Cool Careers Yellow Pages, which profiles more than 500 great careers.
This book will help readers develop a plan to pursue their dream job by first examining how the careers of the future will differ from those of the past, where these jobs and careers will and won't be, and the range of skills they will require. With this context, the book lays out a three-stage plan to develop skills, assess career opportunities, and even expand career options by identifying similar career tracks. Creating a Pathway to Your Dream Career will help readers to reach their career-seeking goals.
Deans at America’s top institutions tell the reader what they need to know to have a rich and rewarding college experience. This book answers the questions needed to help students excel in college. It encourages them to do more than just try to get good grades. Including tips on exploring college life, embracing new challenges, and becoming independent.
College Essay Essentials gives you all the resources you need to take the stress out of writing your admission essay. Sawyer will show you that there are only four types of college admission essays. And all you have to do to figure out which type is best for you is answer two simple questions. With these questions providing the building blocks for your essay, Sawyer guides you through the rest of the process, from choosing a structure to revising your essay, and answers all the big questions.
Other than studies of their linguistic challenges and writing and academic literacy skills in college, little is known about the broader issues of linguistic minority students' access to and success in college. Examining a variety of factors and circumstances that influence the process and outcome, the scope of this book goes beyond students' language proficiency and its impact on college education, to look at issues such as student race/ethnicity, gender, SES, and parental education and expectations. It also addresses structural factors in schooling including tracking, segregation of English learners from English-fluent peers, availability and support of institutional personnel, and collegiate student identity and campus climate.
In Question Everything, award-winning education writer Jay Mathews presents the stories and winning strategies behind the Advancement Via Individual Determination program (AVID). With the goal of preparing students for the future - whether that future includes college or not - AVID teaches students the personal management skills that will help them survive and thrive. Focused on time management, presentation, and cooperation, the AVID program leads not only to impressive educational outcomes, but also to young adults prepared for life after school.