ENG 111: Fleggas

Research guide for ENG 111 - E. Fleggas
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Paper 3:

Research Paper Using Effect Analysis


Analyze the positive and/or negative effects of texting (the results of texting).

You must use and cite two out of the three sources I have posted on Blackboard (Assignments>Essay 3>Sources 1, 2, or 3). Furthermore, you must use and cite an additional source of your finding from the library databases. You must use three sources total.

As you can see from the sources I have posted online, the effects of texting vary. You might, for instance, find a source that explores how texting negatively effects driving or bullying and/or cyber bullying. In addition, you may find a source that explores how texting positively influences writing skills or language and learning. Your additional source can explore the same topic(s) as the sources posted on Blackboard. Your essay will need to explore 3 different positive and/or negative effects of texting total. You might, for instance, have one body paragraph on how texting effects writing skills, another on how texting effects driving, and so on. Your thesis should be set up using the three- pronged approach. In other words, it should specifically introduce the three points explored in the body paragraphs. We will discuss how to set up the essay’s thesis more in class.

You must appropriately integrate four quotations into this essay. If you drop a quote in, it does not count as one of your four required quotations.