ENG 111 - Dees

Research guide for Students in Professor Dee's English Classes.
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NC LIVE (opens in new window) is a collection of databases and resources for use in all types of libraries from public to university. In NC LIVE, you will find many different resources encompassing a variety of subjects from auto repair to graduate level resources. 

NC LIVE has more than 100 databases/resources that contain:

  • ebooks;

  • full text journals, magazines, newspapers (including the Wall Street Journal);

  • videos (including PBS Videos online);

  • images and maps;

  • and interactive tests and tools.

The databases listed below have a general/multidisciplinary scope. 

All off-campus links to Wake Tech online electronic databases require logins. You can now log into online databases using your Wake Tech username and password (your key account). Please note that this is the same login as Blackboard and WebAdvisor.