ENG 111 - Dees

Research guide for Students in Professor Dee's English Classes.
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To explore a causal chain related to culture and to continue to apply what you have learned about the writing process and collegiate writing. The Analysis Essay is worth 25% of your course grade. 

College-level readers who have some familiarity with the topic


Choose ONE of the two following research questions to explore in your analysis essay on culture:
1.    How does people coming together affect culture? You might explore movements like Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, LGBTQ Rights, Anti-vaccination, Environmental Movement.
2.    How did a major historical event impact culture? You might consider 9/11, moon landing, Vietnam War, JFK assassination, tech revolution, end of Cold War, fall of Berlin Wall, marriage equality, stock market crash, MLK assassination, Watergate scandal, invention of LSD, rise of the computer, AIDS crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, internet is born, Amazon.com is born, Facebook founded, Trump elected, Obama elected, Boston marathon bombing, Iraq/Afghanistan Wars, Vietnam War, Roe vs. Wade, deaths inspiring a look at systemic racism.
In your essay, be sure to focus on the IMPACTS ON CULTURE. Explore the causal chain and provide examples to support your claim.

Organization Template

INTRODUCTION: Start with an introduction that arouses the reader’s curiosity, establishes the tone, and is concise and sincere. You will also want to give your reader background information on your topic that helps set up its context and explains why this topic is important. 
THESIS STATEMENT: End your introduction with a thesis statement that proposes an original claim, revealing the purpose of your essay. Your thesis must EITHER assert how people coming together affects culture OR explain how a major historical event impacted culture. The thesis should include a plan of development that lists effects that are meaningful and significant, to be discussed in your body paragraphs.
BODY PARAGRAPHS: Develop body paragraphs that explore different examples of EITHER the cultural effects of people coming together OR the cultural effects of a major historical event. Begin each body paragraph with a TOPIC SENTENCE that states the focus of the paragraph and includes a thesis link. Then build your analysis. Elaborate on your claim by providing concrete, detailed, and coherent reasons and examples that demonstrate the logic and significance behind your claims. Include in-text citations from the sources you found when researching that offer evidence to support your thesis. Be sure to make connections between your ideas. End each body paragraph with a summary sentence of synthesis that reiterates the main point of your discussion.
The body paragraphs should be written in third person. Do NOT include personal, first-person examples. If you want to add a primary source, you may add a personal interview with someone who has been a part of the group that ignited change or has been impacted by the effects of a historical event. 
CONCLUSION: Finish with a conclusion that gives a sense of completion and integrates your main ideas. Reiterate the importance of your subject matter and consider the broader implications of your analysis.
WORKS CITED PAGE: Include a Works Cited page for the 3 credible resources you choose.
Basic Format Requirements:
Length—suggested 1500 words
Sources—3 required sources from the WTCC library database
Format—MLA format and documentation (in-text citations and Works Cited page)

Interlibrary Loan Services

Wake Tech library patrons can borrow materials from more than fifty North Carolina community college libraries. The turnaround time for receipt of interlibrary loan materials is 3-5 business days. Library patrons are notified via their Wake Tech email addresses as soon as the materials are received in the library. Users can search for materials and also use the "I Need Material" function from the Library Online Catalog to place a hold on materials from within Wake Tech libraries and other community college libraries.

Support your claims with research from the WTCC library databases. Any combination of source types is acceptable. Points will be deducted for source types not on the list.

**Three to four sources are required.**
•    Peer-reviewed scholarly journal article from a WTCC library database (articles—ProQuest Central)
•    Video from a WTCC library database (videos—Films on Demand)
•    Book (either in print of eBook format) from the WTCC library (eBooks—Ebook Central or EBSCOhost eBook Collection)
•    Social Issues Databases—filter for peer reviewed (Opposing Viewpoints in Context or SIRS Researcher)

Criteria for Success

Incomplete Papers: 
If your final submission is significantly less than or significantly more than the suggested word count, the highest grade you may earn is a 90%. My goal is for you to learn how to thoroughly develop your ideas, clearly and concisely, while also providing proper documentation.
Criteria for Success:
Please see the rubric posted with the assignment.
Take advantage of the free tutoring options WTCC has to offer. Do you know about the REAL Center and ILC? The REAL Center and Individualized Learning Center are resources for you! Both offer in-person and virtual help with English assignments like this paper. Information for both centers can be found in our Blackboard course. Just click on Course Resources > Resources for Online Tutoring. 
Working with a writing center tutor is a strength! Be strong!
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course, your overall education, and your future career. 

  • Focus on Writing as a Process – SLOs 2, 10
  • Basic academic essay structure – SLO 6
    • Thesis development with supporting topic sentences
    • Strategies for introduction and conclusion 
    • Strategies to develop body paragraphs according to mode
    • Use of transitions within and between paragraphs
    • Organization of essay according to mode
    • Introduction to digital literacy and scholarly sources and credibility
    • Research-based with introduction to academic research and evaluation of sources
    • Integration of database source(s)
  • How to structure assignment based on a specific rhetorical mode – SLOs 1, 3
  • Skills review – SLOs 5, 7 
  • MLA Formatting  
  • In-text Citations and Works Cited using researched resources -SLO 8
  • Critical Thinking with Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation drawing connections
