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WECIB Technology and Society
Technology Boom 1980's
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WECIB Technology and Society
Short articles and videos on American technological advancements for Prof. Davis's HUM 110
Native American Technology
Colonial Technology
Industrial Revolution in America
Gilded Age
Technology Boom 1980's
Computer Revolution
Internet 1990's
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Audio and Video Technologies--
California's next boom: high tech, services
from Lindsay, Leon. The Christian Science Monitor; Boston, Mass.. 15 Apr 1982.
Video game evolution From Pong to Donkey Kong, the video game industry has been on a 20-year roller coaster ride: [Final Edition]
from By William Burrill Toronto Star. Toronto Star; Toronto, Ont.. 31 Aug 1995: E.1.
Changes in American Society-
CHANGING FACE OF TECHNOLOGY Series: DEFINING AMERICA: 1980s -- Technology -- Ninth in a 10-month series on the events that shaped the 20th century.
by Wang, Katie
The morning call (Allentown, Pa.), Nov 21, 1999
The Way We Were: '50s vs. '80s
by Goodman, Susan. Current Health 2; Stamford Vol. 15, Iss. 1, (Sep 1988): 3.