ENG 111 - Burnett

A resource guide for ENG 111 taught by Burnett
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Format & Citation Style

There are different ways you can format your paper and cite your sources. In English and Literature classes, the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation and format style is the most popular. 

The MLA Handbook is available at all the campus libraries. You can also use the online resources below to help you format your paper and cite your sources. If you get stuck, the Writing Center at the ILC is always available to help you with any formatting and citation questions. 


Plagiarism occurs when you take someone else's work or ideas and pass them off as your own. While some students may intentionally copy another's work, others accidentally plagiarize simply because they didn't cite their sources correctly. Check out the resources below to make sure you aren't accidentally plagiarizing another person's work. 

Citing Sources in MLA Style

The following video explains how to cite sources using the MLA 9th edition handbook.


Works Cited Page MLA 9th Edition: Creating References in MLA video tutorial 

If this link won't open-- copy and paste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvZ043ByHso  into your browser

Additional resources from Smart Student (https://www.youtube.com/@smartstudent_official)--


 TLC Writing & Study Skills Center


Drop by or make an appointment to the

TLC  if you need help...

  • understanding your learning style and the techniques that will help you study best.
  • understanding an assignment or a text.
  • brainstorming for an essay that you will write for class.
  • understanding the rules of grammar.
  • preparing for a test.
  • understanding MLA, APA, or Chicago style.