Student Success Strategies Research Guide

Resources for ACA 090 and transfer students.
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Search these databases by subject-

See the videos below for information on how to search library databases. 

What is a library database?

RMIT University. (2012, August 13). What's a Library Database? Retrieved from     

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Boolean Searching Basics

The following video explains boolean searching, or how to use the common operators "AND," "OR" and "NOT" to limit your searches within library databases.

Cushion, K. (2011, July 7). Boolean Searching Basics. Retrieved from

If you can't access the video, copy and paste this link into your browser:

Search these specific titles by subject--


Database Tutorial

The following video provides an introduction to the library databases. It will instruct you on how to access them and get started with them.

If you can't access the video, copy and paste this link into your browser: (opens in new window)

Using the E-Journal Portal

This video explains how to use the E-Journal Portal to find and browse specific publications.