ENG 112- Fleggas

A guide to help students find resources for their English 112 assignment.
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Length of Assignment: A minimum of 900 words.

· Note: the header information, title, and works cited page do not count as part of the word count.

Weight of Final Grade: 15%

Goal: As part of this course, students will review and build upon the information literacy skills they developed in ENG 111 to locate and evaluate disciplinary research in various fields. In this first assignment, students will learn how their field or a field of interest shares knowledge with the discourse community and become participants in this knowledge exchange.

Student Learning Outcomes: SLO 1, SLO 5, SLO 6, SLO 7

· Review locating and evaluating web sources – SLO 1

· Review locating and evaluating database sources – SLO 1

· Build on knowledge of locating field-specific sources such as scholarly articles and trade journals – SLO 1

· Evaluate sources and assess function for field – SLO 1

· Clear expression of ideas, logical organization, conventions of standard written English – SLO 5

· MLA or APA proficiency – SLO 6

· Metacognitive reflection on writing and research process – SLO 7


Your Rhetorical Situation


For Project 1, we will focus on the genre of academic research paper, one of the most high-stakes genres in college. In sequence 2, the theme is "diversity," which is broadly defined and highly controversial. As part of the diversity theme, you will choose a topic to explore.


In your Burkean-inspired dialogue screenplay, you will situate yourself within the scholarship conversation of your topic instead of writing a traditional research proposal and annotated bibliography.


You will be having a dialogue with four peer-reviewed and/or academic sources from .org, .gov, .edu sites or scholarly journals in the library databases.


As you write, enter the scholarly conversation whereby you will maintain a dialogue with your sources, representing their arguments and discussing your own ideas/responses/questions.


Therefore, your screenplay should have the following characters:

· You

  • (without using me, my, or I)
  •  Remember, opinionated ideas/reflections on scholarship will read as your own more effectively without the usage of I, my, or me.

-Authors of 4 peer-reviewed academic sources published within the last 3 years.

  • Your screenplay should enable your reader to:
  • Identify your research topic and its narrow claim/s opposed to broad focus
  • Become familiar with the concise summaries of your sources' arguments
  • Understand the intertextual links and connections between your sources
  • Understand how your own ideas relate to the sources
  •  Understand your potential contribution to scholarly discourse and the stakes of facilitating research on your topic


  •  A strong and narrow research topic with a thesis statement
  •  A brief overview of the discourse about the research topic
  •  A discussion about the intertextual links and connections between your sources
  •  A synthesis about your own ideas and how they relate to your sources
  •  A discussion about the importance of the research topic and your potential contribution to scholarly discourse.
  •  At least four academic sources, all within the last 3 years.
  •  An integration of multiple types of evidence
  •  Primary and Secondary (ex: library research, interviews, questionnaires, observations, cultural artifacts) that support your writing goals.
    •  It is permitted to cite .org, .gov, and .edu websites,
    • Be sure to cite any other interviews, questionaries, observations, and/or cultural artifacts from scholarly, peer reviewed library database articles
  •  MLA Works Cited page
    •  Formatted alphabetically within the same document as your essay but on its own page in proper MLA style