ENG 111 - Bowden

A research guide for ENG 111 - Bowden
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Choose one of the following issues and write a 4-5 page essay in which you address the issue of cause or effect:

  • What are the effects of school bullying?
  • What are the effects of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat) on society?
  • How has streaming technology (Netflix, HBOGO, Hulu) changed the Entertainment Industry?
  • What causes students to drop out of high school?
  • What has caused the polarization of the American electorate?
  • What are the effects of divorce on children?

Your analysis of these issues should come from your own deductive reasoning, but you will be required to consult at least four outside sources which must come from the WTCC library search engines to complete the assignment. While our class discussions of these issues will help you, I expect your paper to be your own unique analysis, not a recitation of the class discussions.

How to Proceed

1) Choose your topic, and write down everything you know about it, then write out what you consider the cause/effect to be

2) Begin researching the issue, and then decide whether or not to alter your conclusion in light of what you now know

3) Outline your paper, paying special attention to the clarity of your argument, how it is explained, and how it is justified.

Your paper should contain:

  • A thoughtful, significant and compelling focus or thesis that stems from the requirements of the assignment
  • Be four to five pages in length
  • Contain four sources that can be deemed reliable and factual (you must use the WTCC library search engines)
  • Well-developed content
  • A strong organizational structure, both as a whole and at the level of the sentence
  • Clear and polished sentences
  • Few or no errors in mechanics such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, format & font

Format And Style

Though this is a formal essay, avoid using the first or second person. Follow MLA style standards and use Times New Roman 12 point font.  Pages must be numbered and have appropriate margins, and the paper must end with an appropriate works cited page.
